Computer-Based Training at The Beer Store

         The beer store used a two pronged approach to training new hires in their retail locations. They use computer-based training and also show employees different job duties and procedures in store. This in store training includes the reading of various policies, job shadowing, and role-play. The first thing that employees have to complete prior to working are a variety of modules that cover topics such as responsible sales, occupational health and safety, beer knowledge, and the POS system. These modules can be accessed either from home, where employees log onto the Beer Store employee portal via the internet, or they can be accessed at the store locations via CD-ROM.

         These training modules are self-directed and asynchronous. Employees are able to go through the module at their own pace, and return to different parts of the module at any time. Some of the modules are similar to PowerPoints and have slides that have a variety of text information on them. Some of the slides include images such as which types of beer should be served in which types of glasses, or videos such as the correct way to pour a beer. Some of the modules also include simulations. The POS system module in particular had a copy of the POS system interface, and required you to use various functions and execute different types of transactions. In these simulations, you were required to perform the actions correctly before moving on (if you made three mistakes on a single step the system would tell you what to do to move on to the next step).

         These modules each had a quiz at the end of them that required you to get a certain percentage (depending on the module) of questions right in order to earn the certificate. This method allowed employees to do the modules at their own pace at home, or at the store prior to starting working. Additionally, if completed at home employees were paid a pre-determined amount of money for each module.

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